SACC-NE After Work

SACC-NE After Work


1 oktober 2024    
17:30 - 20:00

Event Type

Du som är SWEA medlem är välkommen på The Swedish American Chambers of Commerce – New England (SACC-NE) event! Anmäl er med länken nedan.

It is finally time for a classic After Work gathering with our SACC-NE members!
Join us for an evening of relaxation, great company, and good vibes. This is the perfect opportunity to expand your professional network while enjoying the vibrant ambiance of Scholars American Bistro.

Where: Scholars American Bistro, 25 School Street, Boston, MA 02108

When: October 1st at 5:30 PM

Please RSVP through the link:

We look forward to seeing you at the SACC-NE Member Kick Off!

Scholars American Bistro, 25 School Street, Boston, MA 02108